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The history and role of PAs in the US Coast Guard

The role of physician assistants (PAs) in the US Coast Guard is to provide healthcare to uniformed members of the armed services and their dependents (Figures 1 and 2). The Coast Guard is a branch of the US Armed Forces and performs domestic and international missions. During peacetime, it operates under the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) but may come under the Department of the Navy during times of war. PAs in the Coast Guard serve as a part of a broad healthcare team.  Read the full article here

JAAPA Article on PHS PAs

06 Dec 2016 1:47 AM | Anonymous


Please see attached article put out by our senior PHS PA colleagues that was forwarded by the Physician Assistant Professional Advisory Group (PAPAG) Chair.

2016 McKinnon PAs Public Health Service.pdf

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